First I'd like to say I really like B4A so far. I need to log on to a local domain server, navigate to a folder, select a .pdf and display it. At some point I'd like to just open a foxpro table to get the path to the .pdf
I'm sure I'm wrong but I see two ways of doing this. First is to do it all in on a web page which would not even need B4A, just a browser. Second is to do it all in an application using B4A. There seems to be pros and cons to both but I'm not a web page developer. I do have many years working with VB versions 2-6, PowerBasic and writing PIC mcu firmware in PDS & MikroeBasic.
I did search for info on .pdf's and found nothing on this forum. Maybe I searched for the wrong thing.
Thoughts & ideas?