Using B4XPages I have a main page layout and a Page2 layout.
I use “B4XPages.ShowPage ("Page2")” to move to page 2 and then “B4XPages.ShowPage ("MainPage")” to come back. As a result of some user input on page 2 I want to immediately change the visibility of some items and alter some text. How can I do that immediately without an event to respond to ?
The only solution I have come up with is to set a timer running before leaving MainPage which occurs as an event when I return. Plainly there must be a better way. If I could somehow return directly to the sub from which I said “B4XPages.ShowPage ("Page2")” I would understand where I was.
I use “B4XPages.ShowPage ("Page2")” to move to page 2 and then “B4XPages.ShowPage ("MainPage")” to come back. As a result of some user input on page 2 I want to immediately change the visibility of some items and alter some text. How can I do that immediately without an event to respond to ?
The only solution I have come up with is to set a timer running before leaving MainPage which occurs as an event when I return. Plainly there must be a better way. If I could somehow return directly to the sub from which I said “B4XPages.ShowPage ("Page2")” I would understand where I was.