you close the current project. B4X shows you an input dialog, for each module you have modified, like:
Module name: Main (Activity)
Version: ________ (automatically updated by IDE but editable)
Date: ___________(automatically updated by IDE but editable)
Comment: ___________________________________________
These data will be written on top of the module.
Although this is not the right place, I also renew my request for a snippets manager.
Then people will complain that their favorite one is not supported(I assume you meant adding support for git/hg/svn etc), just having it as an external tool will give you a lot more functionality than some integration. Although I do agree that implementing git pull/push/commit would handle 90% of my needs
Oh no then I dont agree, that small feature you need is going to snow ball to a huge feature set that is 1) not possible, 2) not useful, integrating VC is fine, many tools do, recreating a VC tool inside an IDE is a bad bad idea