Sub revolve( parent As ImageView, child As ImageView, latency As Int)
Do While True
Dim parent_vertical_center As Int = parent.Top + ( parent.Height / 2 )
Dim child_vertical_center As Int = child.Top + ( child.Height / 2 )
Dim child_horizontal_center As Int = child.Left + ( child.Width / 2 )
Dim parent_horizontal_center As Int = parent.Left + ( parent.Width / 2 )
Dim IsChildUpperThanParent As Boolean = child_vertical_center <= parent_vertical_center
Dim IsChildBehindThanParent As Boolean = child_horizontal_center <= parent_horizontal_center
child.Left = child.Left + IIf(IsChildUpperThanParent, 1,-1) 'If child is topper than parent, then send child to right, else to left
child.Top = child.Top + IIf(IsChildBehindThanParent, -1, 1) 'If child is behind parent, then send child to bottom, else to top
End Sub