I can work with it when I run the app from B4A. Then close the app on my Phone and start it again from the Phone. Then everything works just fine ;-)
Thank you so much for the example !
Super to start from and modify to my needs....
again a question:
I want the Play button to change into a Pause button when the user presses Play and the app starts playing..
So I added to the btnPlay_Click:
If PlayBack1.IsRunning = True Then
End If
This works but does not update the GUI and so I have to use RunOnGuithread right ?
I created a Public Sub in the Playback class:
Public Sub SetPauseButton as Boolean
PlayThread.RunOnGUIThread("SetPause", null)
End Sub
and an extra Sub in that same class for setting the icon:
Public Sub SetPause
End Sub
Here I have to DIM the label ?
And in the code of btnPlay_Click:
If PlayBack1.IsRunning = True Then
End If
is this right ? Seems to be a little complicated ?