When I use the RichString Lib I can set a String to a Relative size or a SuperScript. I want to set the Relative size of a SuperScript to display a power/exponent. Is this possible? I tried:
rs.RelativeSize2(.5,rs.Superscript2("{S}")). This line compiles, but causes my handheld to crash at run time.
"1004 Full screen properties to not match IncludeTitle...(and one other)...Activity.LoadLayout("matht1")." <- I get this for all my screens. I'll fix it one day. No other errors Logged. I also get a dialog box that says the app is not responding. Close? [Yes] [No]. I choose [yes].
It didn't crash here. However you can see from the warning that the value in the second parameter is casted to string. You should use RelativeSize, not RelativeSize2 which expects a string.
RelativeSize and SuperScript don't even work individually on my machine. I have no idea why, they compile fine. However RelativeSize2 and SuperScript2 work OK when I use them individually. I think I'll just comprimise and settle for using SuperScript2 by itself. Thanks for all the help.