I need this animation
With these features:
+ Animation starts where the touch occurs
+ Animation starts with a click-down and ends with click-up
+ Animation to be kept full in case of long clicks => like 4
Hi All, This code snippet base on a question here, i have never deal with Canvas/B4XCanvas before, but can't sleep thinking that i have idea how to solve the question but all reference i read should be using canvas. So here we go... I hope everyone find it useful. Thank you
Code to create a nice halo animation: Code is compatible with B4A, B4J and B4i. Sub CreateHaloEffect (Parent As B4XView, x As Int, y As Int, clr As Int) Dim cvs As B4XCanvas Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("") Dim radius As Int = 150dip p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, radius * 2...
Hi All, This custom view class will act as a button with ripple effect when clicked, it also has water effect if you swipe/move the pointer onto the view. This class was inspired by SwiftButton (Part of XUI Views) and also advice from this post to make the code more customizable properties...