I'm new to Basic4Android and I have been playing with the examples in the beginner's guide. I have been modifying and playing with the RotatingNeedle example and I have a question. I want the user to be able to tap on the compass and make something happen. For example, I want this code to work
Sub imvCompass_Click
.... do something
End If
But it just doesn't work :BangHead:. Since the ImageView is associated with a rectangle and a canvas the above code just doesn't work.
I have just been playing with the rotating needle example and thought i would use different graphic file (attached). i changed to code to load the files below:
The problem i am getting is that the compass1.png seems to be too big for the box and you only see the center part of the graphic, not the circle with the graticules.
the rest of the code has not changed, can anyone see why it doesn't work correctly