Got a problem with Android 9 x86
We use two insertable storage devices, A Removable SD card is inserted that contains an extensive media library and when required staff must insert another USB and a process in the app writes specific statistics to this USB mass storage device.
previously Rp.GetAllSafeDirsExternal has worked on ARM devices for Android 6, 7 (I don’t have an Android 9 Device running on ARM to test) and Rp.GetAllSafeDirsExternal returns a directory that we can write this stats file to the removable Mass Storage. (internet or any Wi-Fi/ethernet is forbidden)
example build configuration package name: com.myb4aapp
Rp.GetAllSafeDirsExternal("") returns for example:
/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ com.myb4aapp /files (same return as File.DirDefaultExternal)
/storage/121E-3344/Android/data/com.myb4aapp /files
However, on the Android 9 x86 device when creating the stats file I get the following: /storage/121E-3344/Android/data/ com.myb4aapp /files/StatsExp.csv (Permission denied)
Required file permissions were granted…
Is this an Andoid 9 issue or x86 issue or both, and is there any other way around it??