RSA wrapper needed (B4i)


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I'm looking for a RSA encryption in B4i that can cover two important points that currently available libraries for b4i don't, that is:
  • Generate key pairs (private and public)
  • Change key size (e.g. 2048 or 4096)
I found this project on github:
that says "This can be done natively on iOS using the Security framework" and no 3rd party frameworks. It is a "RSA wrapper in ObjectiveC".

It is possible to wrap this to b4i? Or use it with inline OBJC? Or will be better to create a b4i library from scratch using objetive-c code, something like this with inline OBJC.

How much money do you charge for creating a RSA library for b4i? Please send me a PM.

-Must be possible to create key pairs
-Key size can be changed
-Be compatible with the B4A and B4J encryption libraries (encrypt in B4A, decrypt in B4i or viceversa).
-The library must be open source and publicly available here in the forums
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Licensed User
Longtime User
There is already library for RSA for B4i

If you want cross platform library for B4X, there is B4XEncryption


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Longtime User
Thanks, I'm aware of those libraries, but is not what I'm looking for

Edit: I'm looking to exchange a secret between b4x clients, those libraries don't allow me to do it.
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