iOS Question Run application in background


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Longtime User
Dear all,

How is this done? I am looking for something that would resemble the b4a service (start and run even when the application is suspended or closed (two cases).

Thanks in advance


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You’re posting on the wrong forum. Try push notifications. Firebase. When it arrives resume your service as needed.
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Licensed User
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I posted in iOS questions. I thought it would be appropriate, isn'it? Can you be a little more specific about this implementation? Who sends the notification f.e.? Please be as specific as you can because I am a 3-day only owner of b4i and being used in b4a I see a tone of differences in the two OSs and related development tools.
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You cannot start an app in iOS while in background if user terminated your app. If your app is in back use push to order a task. For android check this
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Licensed User
Longtime User
@ilan Thank you Ilan, pretty informative...

@Erel What I was looking for has to do with detecting bluetooth v4.0 (I think it's BLE) devices and run a code at device detection. I searched the NET and came up with this for the UIBackgroundModes

[string] UIBackgroundModes

Possible Values


I suppose I could exploit the red values and the iBLE library... I have four questions about this:
1) I wanted to ask where it is used the always-use-location description (does it display somewhere?) you have added in the thread that Ilan posted.
2) Also how can I spot the corresponding values for the other UIBackgroundModes Values (or are they constructed with the same logic as location) ?
3) I also suppose fetch can be used to download with iHttp and iHttpUtils in background... Am I right?
4) If I want to exploit two of these methods f.e. bluetooth-periferal & fetch I suppose I will add two UIBackgroundModes and four "descriptions"... Right?
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