I have been testing the RunAppAtTime calling an app using also arguments, something like this:
HW.RunAppAtTime(AppPath & "\agenda.exe /d", moment)
without succes, app not runs in the specified moment but if I call without any argument the app runs OK in the right moment. Something like this:
HW.RunAppAtTime(AppPath & "\agenda.exe", moment)
My question is how I should use the function, string definition to use this method with arguments? The argument of RunAppAtTime has to be string type so I can not use Shell function.
HW.RunAppAtTime(AppPath & "\agenda.exe /d", moment)
without succes, app not runs in the specified moment but if I call without any argument the app runs OK in the right moment. Something like this:
HW.RunAppAtTime(AppPath & "\agenda.exe", moment)
My question is how I should use the function, string definition to use this method with arguments? The argument of RunAppAtTime has to be string type so I can not use Shell function.