I'm working on my code and I set a couple of breakpoints for the code to stop at... They are in the Activity_Create sub and from my reading that is an ok place to breakpoint... Well the debugger skips down the 13th line in that sub.... I have breakpoints set on EVERY line there to try and stop it..
Anyone else experience this and can help me understand ? here is a snippet of the code...
I've also uploaded a snippet of the screen showing where it stops... (the dim str as String statement)
Thanks for any help folks can give me!
Gary M
Anyone else experience this and can help me understand ? here is a snippet of the code...
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
LeftAlley.Color = Colors.black
RightAlley.Color = Colors.black
CallActiveFlag = False 'assume no active call til we connect and ask
'wakelock.KeepAlive(True) ' Call this the battery killer !
KeepAliveCount = -1
connected = False
MakeCallScreen = False
Connection_Panel.Visible = False
Dim str As String <<<-==== Stops here.
str = File.GetText(File.DirAssets,"HelpDoc.htm")
Info_Panel.Visible = False
Info_Panel_Flag = False
I've also uploaded a snippet of the screen showing where it stops... (the dim str as String statement)
Thanks for any help folks can give me!
Gary M