iOS Question Same time every year


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Sorry, but I am getting old, my memory isn't what it used to be, I can't remember what I did last year :)

You guessed it ....

Apple certificate renewal time, same thing every year, they expire and I really wish they wouldn't

So can some help me with a "simple" guide to updating my "push services" App certificates. Yes, I have read some forums (about dozen different ones), no I am not thick, I just want a simple life without the unbelievable complexity of having to renew this ever year when all I want to do is a simple tweak to my code and release it again.

The error message I get is about 85 pages long, I have not idea what any of it means (Apple and Microsoft seem to always have meaningless error messages)

It is not my code as I have yet to make any changes, so it must be the App certificates.

I have done...

1) Created a new "Apple Push Services" certificate (aps.cer copied to my keys folder)
2) Created a new firebase_push.p12 file and updated firebase cloud messaging (development and production APN certs)

What have I missed ?

Thanks :)



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Are you using the latest version of B4i?
I don't this is anything to do with B4i, I have multiple projects in B4i, this is to do with the Apple certificate I have for one project that uses push messaging that needed a certificate update (because Apple in their wisdom have an expiry date !?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!??!?!?@!?!??)
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This is the full error message :)
Let me know what I have missed, thanks


  • error.txt
    281.2 KB · Views: 187
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