Wish Save As - menu option


Licensed User
Longtime User
Many times I have to create another class from an existing class code. A 'Save As' would help here.
Now I make a copy of the .bas file in Explorer and add that bas file in the project.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Many times I have to create another class from an existing class code. A 'Save As' would help here.
Now I make a copy of the .bas file in Explorer and add that bas file in the project.

Or even better: inheritance


Licensed User
Longtime User
Looks like my wish is not explained properly by me.

I have project opened in B4J (say), and have a class code opened 'ProductsInformation.bas'. I want to 'save as' this file to 'ReportProductsInformation.bas'

Like I can do in Notepad,

Simple 'file > save as' menu option.
I think our ide should have this menu option, which is standard in all text editors.
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