I'm using CamEx2 to make pictures in my app.
I was using the sample code with almost no modifications, so everybody was using the same camera resolution.
But when I get the pics of the users, some of them have good quality (about 300 kb, enough...), but with others I get poor quality (about 50-100 kb per pic).
So I've set a button to set the quality and save it.
If I test in my phone, it's ok, with low resolutions I get 50-100kb images, with higher I get 2-4Mb pics.
But in the phone of some users, the images quality is the same.
The code is:
Sub btnResolution_Click
Dim resolution As List = cam.GetSupportedCaptureSizes
Dim i As Int = resolution.IndexOf(cam.CaptureSize)
i = (i + 1) Mod resolution.Size
cam.CaptureSize = resolution.Get(i)
'save the selected size:
File.WriteMap(Starter.Path, "resolucion.txt", CreateMap("width": cam.CaptureSize.Width, "height": cam.CaptureSize.Height))
btnResolution.Text = resolution.Get(i)
cam.StartPreview(MyTaskIndex, VideoMode)
End Sub
In Activity_Create
If File.Exists(Starter.Path, "resolucion.txt") Then
Dim m As Map = File.ReadMap(Starter.Path, "resolucion.txt")
Dim w As Int = m.Get("width")
Dim h As Int = m.Get("height")
cam.CaptureSize.Initialize(w, h)
btnResolution.Text = m.Get("width") &"x"& m.Get("height")
End If
Thanks in advance