Android Question Scraping / Mining Webpage Data


Licensed User
Longtime User
I have read a few posts regarding scaping website data ..
Previously I have downloaded and parsed the entire webpage code. Using pattern matching I have been able to get the required data. (until they change their html code !).

I have an Idea which requires data from this source ..

I have learn't I can get relavant data by building url rss queries/requests ??

Is This the way to go ? submitting multiple queries, then downloading and parsing the returned page html code with webview extras (as I have done in the past).

Or is there other ways .. Javascript ??
I have read references to FireFly and have had a play .. but it is all gobbledeegook to me !

Any light / help on the subject would be appreciated ...



Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for the reply Don .. I now know the difference between xml and html .
Onwards and Upwards
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