Screenshot stored to gallery


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Longtime User
Hi All,

I am modifying the screen shot program from the docs so that the output goes directly to the gallery so users can email it, etc. I tried hard-coding "image" as the directory but that was a no go.

So what directory name do I use? There is something called DIRECTORY_PICTURES defined in android but I don't know how I would refer to that from within B4A.

Also, is there a comprehensive list of directory path specifications we can use when outputing (or inputting) particular types of files like pictures, music, etc for B4A programmers?

Thanks for all help!:sign0104:


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If the "screen shot program" you are referring to is the one in the Documentation Wiki, it saves pictures to the root directory using the following code:

Out = File.OpenOutput(File.DirRootExternal, dt & ".png", False)

On both of my tablets, DirRootExternal has a folder named "Pictures". I haven't tried it, but I would bet that you can just add "Pictures" to the line of code above.
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Longtime User
After more digging...

Thanks to nfordbscndrd and all others who pondered this problem.

To paraphrase John Lennon, "if there's such a thing as a genius, Erel is one"

To get your screen shot immediately available to the gallery (and other apps), add this code towards the bottom of the doc example:

Dim fullfilepath,ffilename As String
ffilename = dt & ".png"
fullfilepath = File.DirRootExternal
Out = File.OpenOutput(fullfilepath, ffilename, False)
Bmp.WriteToStream(Out, 100, "PNG")
Dim intent1 As Intent
intent1.Initialize ("android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE","file://"_
& fullfilepath&"/"&ffilename)
Dim phone1 As Phone

I discovered this solution after researching on the regular android developer forum and discovered the general topics of "broadcast" and "mediascanner".

Then, I searched the B4A forum and wiki and found code similar to the above that Erel had provided as a example in a different context.

Again, thanks to all.
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