The Preference-Dialog is really a big help. I use it regular in new apps. And beside this wish I would have a new one:
In iOS there is a vertical scrollbar (in Android not). This is useful, because already multiple times I had UI tests, where the user did not think about scrolling.
But: raising a numeric range item is not possible, when there is the scrollbar on the right side (raise button is too close to it).
So the wish, could scrollbar also be visible in Android and could the margin for raise button be a bit more?
Thanks, I will try "setVerticalScrollBarEnabled" for showing scrollbar in Android (first try was not successful, I start new thread for it).
The second thing was for iOS (may be, I should split it in 2 threads). In iOS the scrollbar is visible automatically. But there is the problem with the right button (near the scrollbar), when increasing with numeric range.