I have read the posts relating to the scrollbar, as well as the manual etc., but I am still struggling.
I am trying to create a 'row of buttons' along the bottom of device screen. As the screen cannot accomodate all the buttons I had hoped to have a 'scrollbar' of the buttons than can be slid left/right, button clicked and then function executed.
I am however unsure of how to achieve this so at the moment I have two rows of buttons 'hidden' off screen that pop up/hide when the a 'show/hide' button is clicked. Although this works it looks clunky. A far more elegant solution would be to use a scrollbar in the way described.
I am not even sure that a scroll bar can be used like this, as the examples on the forum are mainly for images so if there is a better way I am happy to learn.
Is this the correct control to use and if so, how?
I did try a panel and detect the swipe left/right to move the button bar left or right but this was clunky too.
Thanks in advance for any pointers.