I am switching my WebViews to BBCodeViews for better cross-platform compaitbility. Despite some searching in this forum, I have not figured out how to scroll to a particular vertical location in the view.
This requires two things: 1) a way to locate an item in the view to know it's vertical position, and 2) a means to scroll to it, ideally animated and not instant.
Let's say you want to scroll to a phrase "all good men"
Dim searchStr As String = "all good men"
Dim k As Int = bbcvtext.IndexOf(searchStr)
Dim stringToPhrase As String = bbcvtext.substring2(0, k + searchStr.length)
BBCodeViewX.text = stringToPhrase 'a temporary BBCodeView
'get height of contents of BBCodeViewX
'scroll the full string BBCOdeView1 to the height found above