I have a custom view. In my activity I add a Scrollview. If I want to add my view it gives me warning 22 (Types do not match). Then I changed the view from cutsomview to customview(XUI) and the Scrollview to a xCustomListView but exactly the same.
Dim gui_item As cv_can_display
gui_item.init(id, "suffix", 0x00FFFF)
GuiList.Panel.AddView(gui_item, offset*ITEMHEIGHT, 0dip, GuiList.Width, 100dip)
offset = offset + 1
How can I make a Scrollview and load my cutsom views in there? I thought the CustomListView was the way to go but no luck.
The error was
GuiList.Panel.AddView(gui_item, offset*ITEMHEIG
src\b4a\example\sample_app.java:499: error: incompatible types: cv_can_display cannot be converted to View
mostCurrent._guilist.getPanel().AddView((android.view.View)(_gui_item),(int) (_offset*_itemheight),anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.DipToCurrent((int) (0)),mostCurrent._guilist.getWidth(),anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.DipToCurrent((int) (100)));