I wrote this code as a class for wheelview, following the example of the edittext.
For some reason the event sv_ScrollChanged is not firing.
Can you please check. It seems that everything works except this (the wheel is drawn and scrolls but not adjust to the center of value because the timer is not launched).
The main is doing this:
I wrote this code as a class for wheelview, following the example of the edittext.
For some reason the event sv_ScrollChanged is not firing.
Can you please check. It seems that everything works except this (the wheel is drawn and scrolls but not adjust to the center of value because the timer is not launched).
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
Dim Wwheelstep, newposition,WHeight, textsize, lblgravity, delay As Int
Dim sv As ScrollView
Dim Wmodule As Object
Dim lbw As Label
Dim textcolor, lblcolor As Long
Dim values(2), WEventName As String
Dim tmr As Timer
Dim Wcyclic As Boolean
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Sub Initialize(module As Object, wheelstep As Int, First As Int, Last As Int, cyclic As Boolean , EventName As String)
Dim n As Int
Wmodule = module
textsize = 24
delay = 700
textcolor = Colors.Black
lblcolor = Colors.WHITE
lblgravity = Gravity.CENTER
Wwheelstep = wheelstep
WEventName = EventName
If cyclic Then
n = Last - First + 3
Dim values(n) As String
values(0) = Last
For i = 1 To n-1
values(i) = First + i-1
values(n-1) = First
n = Last - First + 1
Dim values(n) As String
For i = 0 To n-1
values(i) = First + i
End If
End Sub
Sub init
Dim n As Int
n = values.length
WHeight = (n + 2)* Wwheelstep
sv.Enabled = True
sv.panel.Color = lblcolor
putlabels( n)
tmr.Initialize("tmr", delay)
tmr.Enabled = False
' just for testing:
' sv_ScrollChanged( 343)
' sv.FullScroll(True)
sv.ScrollPosition = 345
'tmr.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub putlabels(n As Int)
For i = 0 To n-1
lbw.Text = values(i)
lbw.textcolor = textcolor
lbw.Color = lblcolor
lbw.textsize = textsize
lbw.Gravity = lblgravity
sv.panel.AddView(lbw , 0, Wwheelstep*(i +1) ,sv.panel.Width, Wwheelstep)
End Sub
Sub AsView As View
Return sv
End Sub
Sub sv_ScrollChanged(Position As Int)
Dim y As Double
y = Position
If Wcyclic Then
If Position > WHeight - 3.4 * Wwheelstep Then
newposition = Wwheelstep
sv.ScrollPosition = newposition
Else If Position < 0.6 * Wwheelstep Then
newposition = WHeight - 3.6 * Wwheelstep
sv.ScrollPosition = newposition
y = Position
newposition = Wwheelstep * Floor(y/Wwheelstep + 0.5)
End If
newposition = Wwheelstep * Floor(y/Wwheelstep + 0.5)
End If
If SubExists( Wmodule, WEventName & "_ScrollChanged") Then
CallSub2(Wmodule, WEventName & "_ScrollChanged", Position)
End If
tmr.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub tmr_tick
sv.ScrollPosition = newposition
tmr.Enabled = False
If SubExists(Wmodule, WEventName & "_Roll") Then
CallSub2(Wmodule,WEventName & "_Roll",values(newposition/Wwheelstep))
End If
End Sub
The main is doing this:
sub init_wheel
End Sub
Sub wc1_Roll(stepval As String)
End Sub
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