Bug? ScrollView in a Class doesn't get last item wrong Sender object


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In a project for a ComboBox class I have a problem when selecting the last item in a ScrollView.
The ScrollView Panel is filled only with Labels having a common lblItem_Click event and the index as the Tag property.
When I click on the last item, the lblItem_Click event is raised but the Sender object is not the last item but the previous one that was selected.
It works OK for all others.

Attached a test project.


  • ClassComboBox.zip
    10.6 KB · Views: 229


B4X founder
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The problem is here:
For i = 0 To lstComboBox.Size - 1
     Dim lbl As Label
     itemWidth = lblComboBox.Width - 2 * cBoarderWidth
     scvComboBox.Panel.AddView(lbl, itemLeft, i * itemHeight, itemWidth, itemHeight_1)
     lbl.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL
     lbl.Color = cItemColor
     SetPadding(lbl, 0.5 * cTextSize * 100dip / 100, 1dip, 0.5 * cTextSize * 100dip / 100, 1dip)
     lbl.Text = lstComboBox.Get(i)
     lbl.Tag = i
     lbl.TextColor = cTextColor
     lbl.Color = cItemColor
     lbl.TextSize = cTextSize
   Dim lbl As Label 'add this line to fix it
   If cSelectedIndex >= 0 Then
     lbl = scvComboBox.Panel.GetView(cSelectedIndex)
     lbl.Color = cSelectedItemColor
     lbl.TextColor = cSelectedTextColor
   End If

This is indeed a bug. Related to the reuse of the lbl variable. You should redeclare lbl to fix it (see the line above).

It will be fixed in the next version.