I only colored my answers for your ease of seeing them.
In post #16 I suggested you the recommended structure for the additional libraries. You have not done it, why ? As far as I can tell, I did those things, and I told you in post 23. Now as I look at the image you showed in post 16, I see that you put your folder on a drive D. I didn't notice & take the time to build a new drive D. Am I to do that? (Make a new drive?) Here's my path configuration: C:\Users\Shelby\Desktop\B4x\Additional Libraries. What is incorrect about it?
Then in post #24 I told you that you have not made the structure as recommended, but you have not changed it, why? I have no idea what you say is wrongly changed. By structure do you mean the configuration pathway?
In the same post I asked you what type of file is ScrollView2D, you have not answered this question, why? That's one of my problems: I don't know what type of file it is. I think it's a library; now that that library has finally (for reasons not clearly known) popped up into my Libraries Manager tab (where I clicked it), the IDE logs no longer asks me for the type. Even now my IDE has the following line underscored with a squiggly pink line:
Private SV As ScrollView2D (I don't know why)
You were suggested to copy these two files ScrollView2D.jar and ScrollView2D.xml in the AdditionalLibraries folder, it seems that have not done this either. In post 25 I showed the image of my Addnl libs folder where those two files are indeed placed into it. Whoops, now I see that the XML and Jar files are not correct. I'll look for the correct ones and replace them in place of the incorrect dialogue ones.
Here's the new list of items in the folder: (Screenshot)