(No WRAP, No Java Only B4A)
Guillotine is just a swivel guillotine panel that could accommodate a menu but also a panel with all sorts of views.
The RollOut Menu and Side Menu are instead menus as you see in the Third Example. There is also a video in post # 6
TreeMenu (Tree ListView): This class allows you to enter a ListView type menu and clicking each item opens a submenu with its entries (if any) and raises the click event
Author: Star-Dust
Version: 0.07

Guillotine is just a swivel guillotine panel that could accommodate a menu but also a panel with all sorts of views.
The RollOut Menu and Side Menu are instead menus as you see in the Third Example. There is also a video in post # 6
TreeMenu (Tree ListView): This class allows you to enter a ListView type menu and clicking each item opens a submenu with its entries (if any) and raises the click event
Author: Star-Dust
Version: 0.07
- GhigliottinaPanel
- Fields:
- Panel As Panel
- View As View
- Functions:
- Class_Globals As String
- Close (Animation As Boolean) As String
- GetPanelBase As Panel
- GetPanelMenu As Panel
- Initialize (EventName As String, Me_CallBack As Object) As String
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed. - IsInitialized As Boolean
Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato. - IsOpen As Boolean
- Open (Animation As Boolean) As String
- SetMenuButtonDark As String
- SetMenuButtonLight As String
- SetPanelColor (Color As Int) As String
- SetTextMenu (Message As String) As String
- SetTextMenuColor (Color As Int) As String
- Fields:
- GhigliottinaView
- Events:
- Click
- LongClick
- Fields:
- Panel As Panel
- Functions:
- AddPanel (MyPanel As Panel) As String
- Class_Globals As String
- Close (Animation As Boolean) As String
- DesignerCreateView (Base As Panel, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String
- GetPanelBase As Panel
- GetPanelMenu As Panel
- Initialize (vCallback As Object, vEventName As String) As String
- IsInitialized As Boolean
Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato. - IsOpen As Boolean
- Open (Animation As Boolean) As String
- SetMenuButtonDark As String
- SetMenuButtonLight As String
- SetPanelColor (Color As Int) As String
- SetTextMenu (Message As String) As String
- SetTextMenuColor (Color As Int) As String
- Events:
- MenuTree
- Events:
- Click (MenuName As String, ID As String)
- Fields:
- BackGroundColor As Int
- ExpandableList As List
- ImageCloseMenu As Bitmap
- ImageOpenMenu As Bitmap
- LeafColor As Int
- OpenOneOnlyMenu As Boolean
- TextColor As Int
- TreeColor As Int
- Functions:
- AddMenuVoice (Name As String, ID As String, Expanded As Boolean) As String
- AddRoot (Name As String) As String
- AddSubMenuVoice (Name As String, ID As String, IDMenuVoice As Int) As String
- Class_Globals As String
- ClearMenu As String
- DesignerCreateView (Base As Panel, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String
- GetBase As Panel
- Initialize (vCallback As Object, vEventName As String) As String
- Invalidate As String
- IsInitialized As Boolean
Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato.
- Events:
- RollOutMenu
- Events:
- Click (ID As String)
- Fields:
- IsOpen As Boolean
- TimeAnimation As Int
- Functions:
- AddImageButton (Bitmap As Bitmap, ID As String) As String
- Class_Globals As String
- Close (Animation As Boolean)
- GetPanel As Panel
If you want Add into Panel USE After Initialize - Initialize (EventaName As String, Me_CallBack As Object, LeftStick As Boolean, HightWidh As Int) As String
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
RollOut.Initialize("Roll",Me,Activity,True,60dip) - IsInitialized As Boolean
Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato. - Open (Animation As Boolean)
- Events:
- SideMenu
- Events:
- Click (ID As String)
- Fields:
- IsOpen As Boolean
- TimeAnimation As Int
- Functions:
- AddImageButton (Bitmap As Bitmap, ID As String) As String
- Class_Globals As String
- Close (Animation As Boolean)
- GetPanel As Panel
- Initialize (EventaName As String, Me_CallBack As Object, LeftStick As Boolean, HightWidh As Int) As String
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
RollOut.Initialize("Roll",Me,Activity,True,60dip) - IsInitialized As Boolean
Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato. - Open (Animation As Boolean)
- Events:
- Versione02
Code module
Subs in this code module will be accessible from all modules.- Fields:
- Demo As Boolean
- Functions:
- Process_Globals As String
- Fields:

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