Hi, I am reading a table with several fields, the text and numeric fields are no problem.
However, with an image type field I can't read it.
This is the code and the error it shows.
Thank you very much.
However, with an image type field I can't read it.
This is the code and the error it shows.
Thank you very much.
Dim cDirImage As String = File.DirInternal
Dim cFileImage As String = "tempimage.jpg"
Dim cSql As String = $"select jpgimg from ${MyTable} where id=${iIDregistroActual}"$
Dim RS As SD_ResultSet = MYSQL.ExecQuery(cSql)
Dim img() As Byte = RS.GetBytes("JPGIMG") ' ERROR on this line. !!!!!!!!!!
If img.Length>0 Then
Dim tempimagepath As String = File.Combine(cDirImage,cFileImage)
Dim html As String
html = "<html><body><img src='file://" & tempimagepath & "' /></body></html>"
Dim webview As WebView = Web
End If
Error occurred on line: 103 (SD_ResultSet)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at anywheresoftware.b4j.object.JavaObject.RunMethod(JavaObject.java:132)
at visor.errores.iofwin.sd_resultset._getbytes(sd_resultset.java:50)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)