Change the class to fill the internal Listview not just with a
Instead you should use
to give the value you need when the event
Sub sv_ItemClick(Value As String)
Msgbox("Chosen value: " & Value, "")
End Sub
is raised
I could not get this done. I am trying to follow what DonManfred has advised to do.
Any help will be appreciated.
My Objective:-
As jayel said. Customer Name will be displayed to the user on the SearchView, Once the user selects a Customer I need to get the CustomerCode of that particular Customer. To get this done what would be the best way to be used in SearchView. I know that this is a very common requirement for many here. Unfortunately, I can't understand which direction to move.
In my activity, I have created 2 Lists. One list will contain the CustomerCode and the other list will contain the CustomerName. My intention is to get the Position Index or something similar from SearchView so that once the user selects a CustomerName from the searchview, I could get the CustomerCode from the Activity itself without extensive modification of the SearchView class.
for eg
Sub SQL_QueryComplete(Success As Boolean, Crsr As Cursor)
If Success Then
For i = 0 To Crsr.RowCount-1
Crsr.Position = i
CustomerList.Add( Crsr.GetString("NAME") )
CustomerCode.Add( Crsr.GetString("CUST_CODE") )
svCustListIndex = svCustomer.SetItems(CustomerList)
End If
End Sub
Sub svCustomer_ItemClick(Value As Object)
Dim Row(2) As String
Row = Value
Msgbox("Chosen value: " & Row(1), Row(0))
Msgbox(CustomerCode.Get(Row(0)),CustomerList.Get(Row(0)) )
End Sub
I made the following changes in the SearchView Class ie in the Sub lv_ItemClick and AddItemsToList
Private Sub lv_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
Dim Row() As String
Row = Value
et.Text = Row(1)
et.SelectionStart = et.Text.Length
lv.Visible = False
If SubExists(mCallback, mEventName & "_ItemClick") Then
CallSub2(mCallback, mEventName & "_ItemClick", Value)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AddItemsToList(li As List, full As String)
If li.IsInitialized = False Then Return
Dim cs As CSBuilder
For i = 0 To li.Size - 1
Dim item As String = li.Get(i)
Dim x As Int = item.ToLowerCase.IndexOf(full)
If x = -1 Then
End If
cs.Initialize.Append(item.SubString2(0, x)).Color(highlightColor).Append(item.SubString2(x, x + full.Length)).Pop
cs.Append(item.SubString(x + full.Length))
Dim Row(2) As String
Row(0) = i
Row(1) = cs
End Sub
I understand the in the Sub AddItemsToList the index position keeps changing based on the characters typed by the user (the list in the ListView shrinks). So the position/index will not match with the original list