Hi, I want to create a SearchView where I want to use lv.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2 with all the parameters. I had changed the SearchView code with the following ...
Type ItemBM (SearchText As String, Title As String, SecondLine As String, Text As String, ImageFile As Bitmap, Value As Object)
Private Sub AddItemsToList(li As List, full As String)
If li.IsInitialized = False Then Return
For Each it As ItemBM In li
If full.Length > MAX_LIMIT And it.SearchText.Contains(full) = False Then
End If
lv.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2(it.Title, it.SecondLine, it.ImageFile, it.Text)
End Sub
I want to set the image file here from FontAwesome. It's a single icon which shows repeatedly. Can anybody help me here. Also for certain condition I do not want to show the image. Thank you in Advance ...
Thank you for the information. I had transferred the Bitmap image through above function with the following code which takes long and due to having Search List More than 5,000/- data, Sometimes Memory Crashes happening.
it.ImageFile = TextToBitmap(Chr(0xF05B), 8)
Is there any way to improve the performance.
Also How I can Set No Images in Bitmap AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2.
Thank You ...