B4J Question Secure Pictures


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Longtime User
I wish to create a web site for displaying jpg pictures. Can one create an obfuscated web page in B4J so that the pictures are secure, ie. cannot be stolen?


Licensed User
Longtime User
What is the purpose of the site? Will you be serving the pictures to users that are logged in or is it for general display?

It is always possible to scrape the screen to get an image from a web site, so if you are displaying a decent size image, they will never be safe. Just wondering if it's worth the effort. It's possible to disable the right click in HTML/Javascript. I don't think B4j will give you any advantages.
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I agree with stevel05 pictures are not safe on the web. Crawlers alone will pull in most pictures.
In my opinion your options would be:

1. Disable the website copy function through/right click
2. Watermark the pictures(doesn't prevent copy but ruins the picture from being used)
3. Create a secure location that requires login (authorized users to access the pictures)

All of these functions are done through your website design software or your hosting service.
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