Share My Creation Seeking.Shelter for Women WebApp using BVAD3 - Shelters & Services aimed at victims of abuse - RSA


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So i decided to take a break from Database.Show for a while an found a rather impressive github repo for our country. One of the nice features of the data is that one can plot anything on a map, and we will explore that soon enough.

For this, one is able to view shelters, clinics, courts and police stations that are within their province. I am also interested to see if I can draw the nearest POIs based on a persons location from database gps locations. I think there is something like that here in the forum.

So I fired up BVAD3 this morning and started thinking about how I could design a UX for this amazing project. Off course, as usual, the design stage always takes some time.

We got json files that are used for the backend. They developed this using firebase functions with a GraphQL, so for each of the files I am using BANano.GetFileAsJSON, check if there are records in the db for that and if not, load these. This is a once off process. I am using a lot of BANanoPromise calls, they make a lot of sense though.

So I am storing everything in a SQLite db, and will document this soon with Database.Show anyway. Communication with sqlite is done with PHP, thanks to BANano.CallInlinePHPWait.

So the point is, when one selects a province, a searchable list of shelters, clinics, courts and police stations should be listed. Awesome isnt it!

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Running the WebApp

After you download the WebApp,

1. In the assets folder, update the file ServerIP to point to your webserver.
2. Ensure that the sqlite3 extension is activated on your WebServer.
3. Run the app from your WebServer.

Have fun and enjoy.

PS: For now only this page has been developed, to add the rest of the sections during the course of the day. Besides, its a one day project.
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