Select Point From Chart


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Hi Experts,

Is there something possible like the following VB6 code in B4A?
I want to select a bar in the chart and then make a SQL with the datapoint.

The following is just a VB6 example:

Private Sub Chart1_PointSelected(Series As Integer, DataPoint As Integer, MouseFlags As Integer, Cancel As Integer)

Chart1.Row = DataPoint
Chart1.ToolTipText = Chart1.RowLabel & " " & Format(Chart1.Data, "#,#0")
SQL = "Select A1.NAME, SUM(A2.TURNOVER) From CUSTOMERS A1, MATERIALS A2 Where A2.MONTHYEAR = #" & Format(Left$(Chart1.ToolTipText, 8), "MM/DD/YYYY") & "# And " & Text1.Text & " And A1.CUSTOMER = A2.CUSTOMER GROUP BY A1.NAME"

End Sub

As far as I can see with Chart example of B4A one can not select a Datapoint




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Unfortunately the information you give is not sufficient.
Is Chart1 based on the SQL ? I presume yes.

So from the principle point of view it is be possible.
You can have a kind of chart display with a ScrollView, examples do exist in the forum.
There you can select any cell and do what you want with the result.

Best regards.
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Hi Klaus,

I know these examples.
Your remark about combining scrollview with the charts examples gave me some ideas.
I´ll give it a try


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