Send a string by POST to a web form


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Hi all,

I'm trying to send a text string (no matter what the content) to a web form by using POST. To the point, this page here
has a textbox and a Submit button that sends a string towards a database, so in the end all strings do appear on

To do this by Basic4Android I tried using HttpUtils2:
Dim job1 As HttpJob
job1.Initialize("Job1", Me)
job1.PostString("", "TEST TEXT")

but even if I get no error, this doesn't seem to work, the TEST TEXT string is not sent and does not appear on post.php as it should.

I'm kinda new to this, I tried searching this forum but this is what I got so far... is there any way you can help?

In the second phase I will also need to download all the text strings from list.php...

Thank you!
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