Android Question Send data to Ottody whit arduino board


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Hello everyone, I have an Ottody robot that I built. I am trying to modify this example to create an application that controls it.
I have already gotten it to show the bluetooth devices to connect and it works fine. Now from the second screen I need to send him the orders to make the movements.
For example:
It would be something like "\nM 8\n", where \n is a line break, those breaks are necessary for it to understand the command, if I command "M 8" it doesn't work.
How can I send that data? I'm stuck, there's only that left for me to keep moving forward.
Thank you


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Are you sure that the first line break is necessary ??
Try with "M 8\n" or "M8\n"
Also, you can try to change "\n" with Chr(10)
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello, thanks for the information. I already achieved it with the following code.
B4XPages.MainPage.SendMessage("H 8" & Chr(13))

I was wrong, it was not M 8 but H 8 and at the end of the command it needs a carriage jump \r.
Now it works perfect.
Thanks again
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