Send GPS-Data to a map


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I'm going to transform my basic4ppc-app to android and it is still going on very fast:sign0060::sign0060:

One of the things I want to know, if it is possible to send gps-data (latitude and longitude) to a map or navigation-software? Under basic4ppc I have collected gps-data from a server and send them over two virtual serial ports (external lib) to the gps-port of the navigation-software.

More about that here:

But under android, there are no different ports??? Is there a way to manipulate a navigation-software so, that the gps-data doesn't comes from the internal gps-chip? Perhaps there is someone who knows, what direction I have to go to find a solution.
I have also advised, if it is possible to develop an own mapviewer with openlayers, but i think, that it is a considerable expenditure.....

Thanks for any help....and :icon_clap::icon_clap: for basic4android....


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Thanks for answer, Erel!

But that is not for what i'm looking for. It must be poosible to send a gps-data stream to the application. The data from the server is updated every second, so that you can see the sender of the gps-data driving through the map....
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In Android applications get their GPS data from the system Location Manager. To provide your own location data you would have to register a Provider with this service and the other applications would have to request services from this Provider. There is more to doing this than I presently understand, including, I believe, having the correct entries in the manifest for your provider. The bottom line however is that Basic4android cannot do this at present.
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Thanks for your answer, agraham.
I thought, that the solution could be found by knowing, how navigation-apps get their gps-data from external Bluetooth gps-moduls or is this the wrong way?
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