B4J Code Snippet Send Mails with attachements over local Outlook installation via VBS script

I use this script to send over 1500 Mails with invoices. Outlook starts in the background or foreground if it is started. You need an installed Outlook application.

Const olByValue = 1
Const olMailItem = 0
Dim oOApp
Dim oOMail

Set oOApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oOMail = oOApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

With oOMail
    .To = "customer@someserver.com"
    .SentOnBehalfOfName = "myemailaddress@mycompany.com"
    .Subject = "Subject"
    .Body = "The mailbody"
    '.Attachments.Add "C:\somefile.txt", olByValue, 1
    '.Send -> send direct, .Save = Draft
    .DeferredDeliveryTime = Date & " 22:00:00" 'delay if needed
End With

With the help of the TextWriter object (to create Windows files with the correct codepage) I create the script at runtime. The scriptfile contains a "header" with the definitions to get access to Outlook, and the send parameters for each mail with the file path to the attachment. At the end I start it via jShell.

Please use Google to check more options (search for vbs & Outlook & send mails). Quite easy.

Dim Writer As TextWriter
            Writer.Initialize2(File.OpenOutput(File.DirApp & "/SENDMAILVBS","sendmails.vbs", False),"cp1252")
            Dim vbsscript As String
            vbsscript=$"outFile="${File.DirApp}/SENDMAILVBS/${BatchName}.log""$ & CRLF
            vbsscript=$"Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")"$
            vbsscript="Set objFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(outFile,True)" & CRLF &CRLF
            vbsscript ="Const olByValue = 1" & CRLF & "Const olMailItem = 0" & CRLF & "Dim oOApp" & CRLF & "Dim oOMail" & CRLF & $"Set oOApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")"$ & CRLF

for each mail

vbsscript= CRLF & "Set oOMail = oOApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)" & CRLF
                        vbsscript=vbsscript& "With oOMail" & CRLF
                        vbsscript=vbsscript& $" .To = "${Email}""$ &CRLF
                        vbsscript=vbsscript& $".SentOnBehalfOfName = "xxxxx""$ & CRLF
                        vbsscript=vbsscript& $".Subject = "The subject" & CRLF
                        MBody = $"Dear Mr. Smith, " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                        "Line 2 " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                        "Line 3" & vbCrLf & _
                        vbsscript=vbsscript& $".Body = "${MBody} "$ & CRLF
                        vbsscript=vbsscript& $".Attachments.Add "${PDFFilePath&PDFFilename}" "$ & CRLF
                        vbsscript=vbsscript& $".DeferredDeliveryTime = Date & " ${MailTimeSP.Value}:00:00""$ & CRLF
                        vbsscript=vbsscript& $".Send()"$ & CRLF
                        vbsscript=vbsscript& $"End With"$ & CRLF
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