Sending a videostream over network


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Is it possible to send the video of the internal camera as stream to another Pocket-PC or Desktop-PC over internet? I have tested the CCD Camera Library to get the video from the device and it runs very well. But I don't know, what is nessessary to send a livestream of the device-camera over the internet to another device or desktop..

I have a netrouter with a fix IP-adress which can route the data. Is that perhaps useful???

Thanks for help....


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Programm a videochat

Hello together!

Is it possible to programm a videochat in Basic4ppc? I want to send the picture (not audio) of the cam over network to another pocket-pc (like a livestream). I think, that it is very costly, but I only want to know, which way I have to go to make it real? Must I send every picture of the video separat to an ftp-server and download it with a second device from the other side or is it possible to write the video in a file on an ftp-server and read from this file at the same time with the second device? I can't find some useful infos in the net......

Thanks for your efforts....

I have researched in wikipedia about the theme. A videostream over network is possible to send in a Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), another type of UDP. Is it possible to create such a RTP under basic4ppc?

Greetings from germany...
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Longtime User
No progress with video-chat solution ?

ooops, i meant Android.
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