Wish Seperate Output Tab


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I would like to see a separate output tab where we can "log" information independently from the system logs, with the ability to clear. This would make it easier for us to see the progression of our app without the system log window getting too cluttered.

    For x = 1 To 5
        Output("Loop " & x )
        For y = 1 To 5
            Output("This is line " & y & " on the output tab with a random number " & Rnd(100, 10000) )


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Longtime User
My impression of what he wanted was to be able to have a log of just messages "programmically" generated by the app (i.e. "Log("Test this" entries) without all the auto-generated app entries ("** Activity (xxx)" and "*** Service (xxx)" entries.)

Maybe have a three position radio buttons at bottom:
  • All Events (system+app+log)
  • App Events (app+log)
  • Log Only (just log)


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Now that I think of it some more, it may be more useful to simply add a "Hide App Events" checkbox.

This way I could check this box and it will immediately "hide" (not permanently remove) all the *** Activity and *** Service entries so we can only see the Log("") entries. But it is important that when I uncheck this box, the "hidden" app events are immediately displayed without requiring me to rerun the app to re-generate those app events. In other words, even if the app has stopped or paused, I would like to be able to check and uncheck this box so I can hide and redisplay the app events without having to rerun the app to see the app events.

This would allow me to just see my log events without all the "noise" of the app events, but also be able to instantly "unhide" the app events if I need to see the sequence of app events inbetween my log events.


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The main thing i wanted was the ability to clear the log window. While developing, there are often times a lot of log entries, especially when repeating a section of code repeatedly, and it would be nice to be able to clear the logs to watch the progress more easily. I have seen others request log clearing and Erel's reply that it is more complicated than it would appear because of the way the system logs are handled etc.. That's why I thought maybe a separate tab would be easier to implement.