I apologise for having been on this subject before, but my memory has failed me and I really need to restart and obtain all the facts in one post.
Can somebody clear me up please because while I have doubts I cannot give up and do something completely different. :BangHead:
1. I have a Acer n310 WM5 device with a USB charge cable and Bluetooth.
2. It also has a USB host cable.
3. The unwired pins of the 26 pin connector do contain a serial port (presumably TTL levels).
4. System Info does not list a COM port, so how does it get activated?
5. I do not want to try to wire up the serial if it can be avoided, it is difficult to find a blank plug and I cannot find a serial cable for the device and I will probably melt the adjacent wires on the existing USB cable.
6. When I use Bluetooth with GPS it sets up a VCP (pair?) no problem.
7. There does not appear to be a method in B4PPC to Tx/Rx through a USB, yet there must be lots of PPC that use it without serial.
8. If I am forced to wire the serial, is it likely that the driver is built into WM5 or do I have to find and install one?
I wish to know what solutions are available apart from 5 above.
If I can get answers to all the questions I can die in peace.