stock Siii, stock maps, google maps. Im not using anything related to maps in this app, no location based api's or libs.
I think I may have fixed the problem but don't know for sure yet..
I made an assumption that subcalldelayed2 was using android.os.Message and for some reason on the Siii it was "corrupting" the internal maps app,somehow the wrong handler was processing the b4a message. I was initially passing a custom type to subcalldelayed2 as the data param, for example
type foo(a as string, b as string)
So based on that assumption I changed all my subcalldelayed2 to subcalldelayed and do not pass the type. I let the receiver handle retrieving the data from a class property instead. So far I have not been able to reproduce the bug on the Siii. However not knowing for sure what the original problem was concerns me. I will keep testing and hope it doesn't come back. But I still believe this requires further investigation....