I am using Jserver in a server application; everything works correctly for me until I make a GET request from outside; it closes without having finished the process.
This happens to me especially when I am waiting for some internal process to finish with the waitford command
Is there an example where I can look at the GET process ????
I use jserver and the GET requests are made from the POSTMAN program
If you suspect it is because of a Timeout, you can try this after the srvr.Start:
Dim jo As JavaObject = srvr
Dim connectors() As Object = jo.GetFieldJO("server").RunMethod("getConnectors", Null)
' timeoutMs MUST be a long
Dim timeoutMs As Long = 30000 ' is 30 seconds
For Each c As JavaObject In connectors
c.RunMethod("setIdleTimeout", Array(timeoutMs))