service with black screen


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi guys, i am newbie in b4a and i want create a service without activity.
the service need be started in the actvity?
For example:

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
StartService (test)
End Sub

This code start my service, but when the service code is finished the screen is black like the program not is in background.
Thanks in advance



Licensed User
Longtime User
This is what I would expect to happen.

The Activity has a screen. You haven't defined any objects on the screen, so it has started the Service and displays the blank screen...

What exactly are you trying to achieve here?

You could probably set the Activity to not display...

I would suggest reading the documentation.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
hi eps, the idea is start a service in background without any activity visible, because the idea is run a background code and dont need show nothing to the user.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
hi eps, i am using activity.finish now, but this open the activity show a black screen and after close the activity, and i want do without show the activity.
But if it's not possible then i will continue it like now.
Thanks eps

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