Android Question Set numerous variables to a specific number or text, Must be simple but I'm brain dead

Colin Evans

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Hi, I'm sure it can be done but I can't seem to find an example or the way to do it. I have a number of variables, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5 etc and I want to set them all to '0' at present I do it line by line eg.
PS1 = 0
PS2 = 0
PS3 = 0
PS4 = 0
PS5 = 0

I'm sure there must be a way to set them all to 0 on one line, something like

(PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5) = 0

Just another stumbling block I'm frustrated with as I know I've seen it done


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You just can do it with new Objectdeklarations.
dim ps1, ps2 , ps3, ps4, ps5 as Int = 0
If you want to update global variables you need to use a sub to set them all to a new value.
private Sub resetvalues
PS1 = 0
PS2 = 0
PS3 = 0
PS4 = 0
PS5 = 0
end sub

probably better to use a Map to hold the variables/values.
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just declare your variables as int. they are automatically initialized to 0 in b4x.
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Colin Evans

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Cheers for the replies, they are global variables and need to be reset during the game, it would be nice if you could set variable names like you could in good old VB6 as an array.

May be this is something that could be developed in the designer, i.e. when you create a variable in VB6 say (PS1)in the designer and then copy and paste it asks if it's an array, if you said yes the array would be created and the original variable would be PS1(0) and the copied one PS1(1) subsequent copies and pastes would continue the array PS1(2), PS1(3) etc

Therefore in B4A etc to change would simply be a for next loop

for i = 0 to 3
PS1(i) =0
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or with javaobject
    Dim Arrays As JavaObject
then you dont need to know the size for the loop or even have a loop
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William Lancee

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A small sub could set the array to any constant.

Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    Dim p(6) As Int        'all are zero
    setAllTo(p, 9)
    Log(p(5))        '9
End Sub

Private Sub setAllTo(ar() As Int, cnst As Int)
    For i = 0 To ar.Length -1
        ar(i) = cnst
End Sub
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probably better to use a Map to hold the variables/values.
I agree. Maps are almost always the most useful structures (the only exception, in my opinion, are Lists of Custom Types, which have the advantage of sorting).

[This is almost certainly not the case, but a "fascinating" thing, now archaic because we can afford to throw away tons of memory, are operations on bits].
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William Lancee

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And @aeric answer works with redimensioning too.
    Dim PS1 = 9, PS2 = 9, PS3 = 9, PS4 = 9, PS5 = 9 As Int
    PS3 = 17
    Log(PS3)    '17
    Dim PS1 = 9, PS2 = 9, PS3 = 9, PS4 = 9, PS5 = 9 As Int
    Log(PS3)    '9
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Colin Evans

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could you explain how I'd use this method please
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William Lancee

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"fill" is a Java method on Arrays. See example below.
(This is two lines. The call to "setAllTo" in post #9 is only one line, and is B4X syntax, instead of Java.)

    Dim p(6) As Int        'all are zero
    Dim Arrays As JavaObject
    Log(p(3))        '999
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If you bend the rules a bit it can be one line

its just the last two parameters that are important ps and 9
ps is the array name you want to set to known values
9 is the value you want each ps(0) ... ps(n) to hold.
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If you really want to keep the variables then store them in a map or a list and then later you can loop through that to set the variables.
    Dim A, B, C As Int
    Dim M As Map
    M.Put(A, A)
    M.Put(B, B)
    M.Put(C, C)
    For Each Z As Int In M.Values
        Z = 0
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