B4J Code Snippet Set of random contrast colors

'generate X pcs contrast one to another color codes
Sub GenerateColorCodes(X As Int) As List
    Dim Colors As List

    Do While Colors.Size < X
        'random color
        Dim RandomColor As Int = B4XPages.MainPage.xui.Color_RGB(Rnd(0, 256), Rnd(0, 256), Rnd(0, 256))
        'non-used yet ?
        If Colors.IndexOf(RandomColor) = -1 Then
            Dim IsContrasting As Boolean = True
            For Each c As Int In Colors
                If Not(IsColorContrasting(RandomColor, c, x)) Then
                    IsContrasting = False
                End If
            If IsContrasting Then
            End If
        End If

    Return Colors
End Sub

'check the contrast between 2 colors
Sub IsColorContrasting(color1 As Int, color2 As Int, X As Int) As Boolean
    Dim r1 As Int = Bit.And(Bit.ShiftRight(color1, 16), 255)
    Dim g1 As Int = Bit.And(Bit.ShiftRight(color1, 8), 255)
    Dim b1 As Int = Bit.And(color1, 255)

    Dim r2 As Int = Bit.And(Bit.ShiftRight(color2, 16), 255)
    Dim g2 As Int = Bit.And(Bit.ShiftRight(color2, 8), 255)
    Dim b2 As Int = Bit.And(color2, 255)

    'colors brightness
    Dim brightness1 As Float = 0.299 * r1 + 0.587 * g1 + 0.114 * b1
    Dim brightness2 As Float = 0.299 * r2 + 0.587 * g2 + 0.114 * b2

    'difference, the threshold depends on the needed colors qty X
    Return Abs(brightness1 - brightness2) > 150/X
End Sub

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