iOS Question setting up Mac for simulator - help


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I have setup my PC and can use the hosted builder to compile to my iPhone :)
I have now acquired a Mac desktop. I am still trying to figure out how to even use it.

Is there a step by step idiots guide or video I can follow to get my mac useable as a simulator.
I have found a few guides on here but I am really struggling.
I have xcode setup, Configurator, Downloaded local builder some time ago and looks like I have unzipped it into the downloads directory. Tried downloading it again today but the zip disappears after downloading.

HELP!!! Please


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Simulator comes with Xcode. If you downloaded Xcode as zip or xip, you need to extract and drag/copy it to Applications.
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I had setup a MAC a while back with XCODE, Simulator, local B4I builder, etc. However not being a regular MAC user I personally found it to be a pain to have to update the applications all the time only to find out that things did not work anymore. Then it took me a while to regain my familiarity with the MAC nuances and figure out how to get things back in order. I finally gave up and stuck to using only the hosted builder and for a simulator, started using this:

I'm not saying you should give up. In fact I think it's a great experience to setup a MAC for this purpose. However, if you need to do occasional simulations of your Apps, then the above online simulator is a good option.
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I had setup a MAC a while back with XCODE, Simulator, local B4I builder, etc. However not being a regular MAC user I personally found it to be a pain to have to update the applications all the time only to find out that things did not work anymore. Then it took me a while to regain my familiarity with the MAC nuances and figure out how to get things back in order. I finally gave up and stuck to using only the hosted builder and for a simulator, started using this:
Hi @aminoacid ,

I don't understand what's so difficult, just install xcode with the required tools and everything is ready to run.
1) Open a terminal
2) Go to the path where you installed your B4iBuildServer
3) Start the server with: java -jar ./B4iBuildServer.jar
4) enter the IP address of your B4iBuildServer here

5) choose the simulator
and you can compile with B4i.

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Hi @aminoacid ,

I don't understand what's so difficult, just install xcode with the required tools and everything is ready to run.

Agreed, @Filippo - It's not difficult. It's just a "pain" (at least for me) having to go back and forth between my PC and the MAC. I just find it easier to use the hosted builder and the online simulator.

But, yes. You are correct. The setup is not difficult and once you have it setup you don't have to worry about it until you update XCODE or the local builder. Then things start to "break" :mad:
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But, yes. You are correct. The setup is not difficult and once you have it setup you don't have to worry about it until you update XCODE or the local builder. Then things start to "break"
I'm not an Apple fan or an Apple expert, but once you've installed and configured the B4iBuildServer a few times, it's like riding a bicycle.

I only switch my Mac-Mini on when I need to compile something, otherwise it is always switched off.
I develop all changes in Android. Then when the change passes, I make the same change to B4i and switch my Mac-Mini.
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