I am new in B4i and also in iOS. Trying my first steps to convert B4A to B4i I get a growing list of Android things that are not possible in iOS. I can not share a file, can not change screen orientation by code, ...
Some of my B4A apps are sharing text or sqlite files. So how can I do this in B4i? How can I at least share some (text) data between my Apps? Whish of this is the easyest way in B4i?
I am new in B4i and also in iOS. Trying my first steps to convert B4A to B4i I get a growing list of Android things that are not possible in iOS. I can not share a file, can not change screen orientation by code, ...
Some of my B4A apps are sharing text or sqlite files. So how can I do this in B4i? How can I at least share some (text) data between my Apps? Whish of this is the easyest way in B4i?
I would like to share some text information between my apps in iOS. So the Shared Keychain Access seems to be a solution. But I am abslolutely new in the iOS field. I only worked with Android and B4A. Is there a B4i tutorial for that?