hi Erel,
Yes i tried that but i get an error when it runs. the error says, "An error message cannot be displayed because an optional resource assembly containing it cannot be found.
The error occors in app start
Ok i have been able to network from device to desktop using the following command in a device command prompt
This now allows me to access files on the desktop so i should be able to copy from pppc to desktop. however when i try to connect each first time i am asked for a user name and password. is there a way to allow a default or send them in code before a filecopy is made?
i have tried the following
FileCopy("orders.txt", "//Laptop/Music/orders.txt")
FileCopy("orders.txt", "..\network\e\orders.txt")
and i get an "UnauthorisedAccessException" error message.
i suppose it is to do with the fact i need to supply a username and password.
Any ideas on how to overcome this
After using the Net Use command i am now able to use Andrews network program as both server and client if i use the appropriate ip addresses.
The File Transfer program still does not work however
I can copy the file to the root directory of the device by the following
FileCopy(AppPath & "\orders.txt", "\orders.txt")
but the following command gives me an error
FileCopy(AppPath & "\orders.txt", "\Network\e\orders.txt")
even though i can navigate to that folder which is the shared folder of my laptop and open/play files that are there. I am just unable to save to it. What am i missing guys?
I can't believe i was so stupid, I had read only on that particular folder
oh well, this info may help someone else trying to do the same thing
now if i can only work out the problem of the network logon dialog box, because it does not need a user name or password
Thanks again