My app needs to show to alert a user and continue to show the alert and make a sound until the user accepts or declines it.
This will need to happen even if the phone is locked or asleep.
The scenario is similar to an incoming phone call or whats app call.
I have a service that is set to Start every 30 seconds which calls a routine to determine if the user needs to be alerted.
My question is, do I need to do anything else in the service to ensure it will run every 30 seconds even if the phone is locked?
My Activity doesn't seem to show all the time when the phone is locked, are there any additional steps I need to take?
My Activity currently plays a sound on the Media volumne channel and not the phone ringer volume channel, which means the
user may have accidently turned it down. How can I play the sound through the normal ringer volumne channel ?
Has anyone got a working example of this
I have refered to these threads but still havn't managed to get it working right:
Below is an extract of the code of my current attempt.
Some issues I see testing this:
- When phone locked activity seems to load in the background and sound plays but activity not shown
- When phone locked acitivity loads in background .. then when unlocked and we see the activity it loads it again leaving the original instance of the activity loading
My app needs to show to alert a user and continue to show the alert and make a sound until the user accepts or declines it.
This will need to happen even if the phone is locked or asleep.
The scenario is similar to an incoming phone call or whats app call.
I have a service that is set to Start every 30 seconds which calls a routine to determine if the user needs to be alerted.
My question is, do I need to do anything else in the service to ensure it will run every 30 seconds even if the phone is locked?
My Activity doesn't seem to show all the time when the phone is locked, are there any additional steps I need to take?
My Activity currently plays a sound on the Media volumne channel and not the phone ringer volume channel, which means the
user may have accidently turned it down. How can I play the sound through the normal ringer volumne channel ?
Has anyone got a working example of this
I have refered to these threads but still havn't managed to get it working right:
StartActivity from Service
At boot startup, my service need to call Main if enabled by user. I saw hint with StartActivity stating "you should usually not call StartActivity from Service". How else am i going to start up Main? Is StartActivity the best method?
Automatic Foreground Mode
This is a new feature added in B4A v8.0. Starting from Android 8.0, services cannot be simply started while the app is in the background or not running at all. Background means that there isn't any visible activity or any service in foreground state (Service.StartForeground). Common cases...
Below is an extract of the code of my current attempt.
Some issues I see testing this:
- When phone locked activity seems to load in the background and sound plays but activity not shown
- When phone locked acitivity loads in background .. then when unlocked and we see the activity it loads it again leaving the original instance of the activity loading
' Service To Check For Alerts
#Region Service Attributes
#StartAtBoot: True
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Private lock As PhoneWakeState
End Sub
Sub Service_Create
Service.AutomaticForegroundMode = Service.AUTOMATIC_FOREGROUND_ALWAYS
End Sub
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
Service.StartForeground(nid, CreateNotification("...",2 )) 'I think I need this for some reason
StartServiceAt(Me, DateTime.Now + (10 * DateTime.TicksPerSecond) , True)
Service.StopAutomaticForeground 'This might help remove the icon from the top while the service is running
End Sub
Sub CreateNotification (Body As String, ImportanceLevel As Int) As Notification
' Low = 2
' defult = 3
'Hig = 4
'max = 5
Dim notification As Notification
notification.Icon = "icon"
notification.SetInfo("Test Notification", Body, "")
Return notification
End Sub
Sub CheckForAlerts
'.... Some code here that checks for Alerts and then shows the activity if required.
Dim AlertMessagesCombined as string
Dim Alert as string
IF Starter.lstAlerts.Size > 0 Then
For each Alert as string in Starter.lstAlerts
AlertMessagesCombined = AlertMessagesCombined & Alert
CallSubDelayed2(activityAlert,"activityAlert", AlertMessagesCombined )
End If
End Sub
' Activity to use to show and accept alerts even if phone locked
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: true
#IncludeTitle: false
#End Region
Sub Globals
Dim PlayID As Int
Private lblMessage As Label
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
Dim p As Phone
Dim Line As String
'Extract from https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/startactivity-from-service.108771/#post-682789
If p.SdkVersion > 28 Then
Dim c As cls_request_drawover_persmission
Wait For (c.GetPermission) Complete (Success As Boolean)
End If
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub ShowAlert(Msg As String)
lblMessage.Text = Msg
PlayID = Starter.sounds.Play(Starter.soundid_notification,1,1,1,-1,1)
End Sub
Sub cmdCancel_Click
End Sub
Sub cmdAccept_Click
End Sub