Hello. I'm excited because I'm finally getting my simple programs to run, but I'm very new to this and have a lame question that must seem obvious to people who been using B4A more than three days.
I know how to use the designer successfully and make panels etc. But how do you code a splash screen (or title screen) which stays on long enough to read, then you click somewhere and it goes away? :sign0163:
This might not be the correct or wisest way ,but this is what i'm doing until it becomes an issue ...
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
If FirstTime Then
'Intro layout has 2 buttons, each sets parameters then calls Activity_Create_Continue
Activity.LoadLayout ("intro.bal")
end if
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create_Continue
'load main program layout
Activity.LoadLayout ("main.bal")
'and so on ....
end Sub
Sub Button1_Click
'populate global variables and load the main layout
End Sub
Several months ago "Margaret" posted code or a class to show a sliding splash screen. Search in these forms. It may have been posted in this "Updates and Questions" forum or in the "Additional Libraries" forum.