I am stuck with part of a library I am writing/wrapping.
I keep getting a "signature does not match expected signature" error message.
But before we get into that I've tried to use the IDE auto completion for the events (
from here) but my types dont show up. Is there something I need to do in my libary to get them to show up?
Ok, now back to the signature.
I have a couple of listeners like this which work fine;
public void onSingleTap(float x, float y)
ba.raiseEventFromUI(this, eventName + "_onsingletaplistener", new Object[] { x,y });
Log.i("B4A", eventName + "_onsingletaplistener");
And the corresponding code in B4A
Sub MapView1_OnSingleTapListener(x As Float, y As Float)
ToastMessageShow("X " & x & " / Y " & y, False)
So no problem there.
Now the one I do have issue with is this one. FeatureSet is a custom type.
public void onCallback(FeatureSet fSet)
eventBa.raiseEventFromUI(this, eventName + "_selectoncallback", new Object[] { fSet });
Log.i("B4A", eventName + "_selectoncallback");
Now in B4A I have this defined
Sub feature_layer_SelectOnCallback(fSet As FeatureSet)
ToastMessageShow("Here!", False)
ToastMessageShow(fSet.DisplayFieldName, False)
End Sub
But I keep getting the signature error?
Is there something special I need to do because there is only one return object or is it to do with the custom type?
Any help appreciated